Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Bells in position

All but 2 of the bells now have their headstocks fitted, are now in their final position, approximately. 

The other two, the 2nd and 3rd will be moved near to their pits, but the headstocks will be taken off so that the pulley, wheels and stays can be aligned.

 This photo shows, from left to right, the 4th (on the green planks), the tenor (in its pit) and in the shadow, the treble (finished and ringable). The lower half of the tenor wheel is also in place, although it still needs bolting to the headstock.

The view from above, from left to right the 6th, 5th, 4th, tenor and treble.

Much of the steel and timber above the bells is no longer needed, and will be removed in due course, opening up this view.