Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Peals at Strensham

While there's nothing happening up the tower, I've been delving into the history of the bells and have found the first full peal ever rung at Strensham.

This was the second attempt, the previous one being lost a couple of weeks beforehand. Of these ringers, Robert Knowles was from Malvern Link, and William Ranford was from Suckley.

There have been 26 peals on the bells so far, including two which have been slightly controversial! One peal rung in 1923 wasn't published in the bell ringers newspaper, The Ringing World, which it should have been (and as a result took some finding!), and another rung in 1977 had a composition which broke the rules (at the time) and was rejected by the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers!