Monday, 27 September 2021

Visiting ringers

 Here is a video posted on on YouTube of some high quality ringing on the bells at Strensham rung by a visiting band from Devon. Enjoy!

As for the bells, the swing times and clapper times have now been (nearly sorted)  with just the 5th and 7th needing some further minor tweaking.

Here is an unusual view taken by the bell hanger Matthew Higby.

There is still quite a bit of tidying up to do, but essentially the project is complete and regular ringing can resume.

Monday, 20 September 2021

Heritage Open Days

 As part of the national Heritage Open Days for 2021, I gave two talks in the church. These were on the church and bells, which of course outlined the augmentation project.

Here are the screen and projector all set up and ready to go!

This talk is the full length version of the one I did for the CCT's volunteer of the year presentation back in February. You can see that talk here.