After playing with the swing time figures, I've now calculated the target times for each bell and what is needed to achieve this.
Slow down the treble by 25ms, the 6th by 10ms and the 7th by 7ms. This will be done by fixing
counter weights at the top of the wheel.
Speed up the 4th by 14ms and the 5th by 6ms. This will be done by fixing ballast weights at the bottom of the wheel.
There are no changes to the 2nd, 3rd or tenor.
Compare this graph with the one in the previous post.
The amount of correction for each bell seems very small but there is a good reason for setting them up as accurate as this. Experiments I have done in the past indicate that the human ear can detect errors in rhythm down to about 20ms, ie +/-10ms.
Setting up the swing times is the only the first part of getting the bells set up. The second part is to get the average clapper swing times set up, and the third and final part is to cancel out any oddstruckness.
So in order to achieve this +/-10ms target, it's important to get the swing timings as good as possible so that the accumulated errors across all three stages are within limits.
The results will be well worth the effort!
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